Showing posts with label anger management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anger management. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Radhe Guru Maa - What is heaven? Where is hell?

What, asked the brave general, is heaven and hell?
You ask very big questions for a person who .. please click here to read complete story 

Shri Radhe Guru Maa
 Mamtamai Shri Radhe Guru Maa Charitable Trust

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Monday, May 6, 2013

Radhe Maa - Gyaanamrit - Anger the Worst Enemy

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krodhad bhavati sammohah 
sammohat smrti-vibhramah 
smrti-bhramsad buddhi-naso 
buddhi-nasat pranasyati

From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool.  

- Bhagvad Gita 

Mamtamai Shri Radhe Guru Maa considers anger as the worse of enemies. This is so because it defeats one who harbours it in his heart. An angry man does not need enemies because he is the worse of enemies that anyone can have. In the lines above excerpted from the Bhagvad Gita,Lord Krishna, the master psychologist explains why anger should be defeated before one fights the battle of life. An angry person cannot read a situation correctly. He acts on basis of his twisted perception which takes his deeper into confusion. This makes one remember only things that are useful to win the argument and not the complete picture. How can such a man make intelligent decisions.The defeat of such a person is inevitable. 

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Please note

The views expressed in this article and others published in this space are being made public as an act of thanksgiving for the wonderful presence of Mamtamai Shri Radhe Maa’s miraculous grace in the lives of her devotees.

Shri Radhe Maa has no role as such in writing, editing or publishing these articles. We request readers who have queries, doubts or feedback to address their messages to Sevadar Sanjeev Gupta on  call him on 